Good Morning Fellow Stampers -
Happy Hump Day! How is everyone this week? It's been busy for me so far as I am starting to prepare for my Holiday Catalog Premier event this coming weekend :-) I also went to the doctor yesterday and told him "enough with the coughing"; so now I'm on antibiotics, super-duper cough medicine, mucinex, and an inhaler. Whoo hooo. I actually slept through most of the night last night. It was nice!!
Sooooooo -- I want to just stop in for a brief minute today and share with you a "tip" that was passed through our Demo circle recently - I always love good tips. So many of my customers complain how "inky" their fingers and hands get while stamping, especially when doing a sponging technique.
Here's a really cool and simple tip the next time you're sponging on your design --
Ohp -- what's that I spy?? I do believe it is a Binder Clip!! :-)
Yup -- It looks that way -- LOL :-)
Clip that medium size binder clip onto your sponge wedge --
Just like that!!
Then hold onto the binder clip while sponging; instead of the sponge itself.
This will protect your pretty little manicure from all that ink :-)
I know -- I've done it myself -- you know, those inky fingers!!
That's my Ask Wendy Wednesdays tip for this week!! Hope you find it helpful and will go try it yourself.
Have a fabulous Wednesday!
Until Next Time . . .