Hello Everyone!
How is everyone this fine Saturday? I had meant to get this post up earlier today; but the day just flew by me, so here we are this evening, trying to do a little catchup. It certainly was a busy day for me as I tried to catch up on a bunch of Birthday cards that needed to get in the mail (some belatedly), and other miscellaneous tasks that required a some errand running to get some gift cards, dropping a stamp set I borrowed from another demo back off at her home, a run to the post office, washing the car late this afternoon, and a visit both to Jo-Ann Fabrics and Michael's to take advantage of some fabulous sale deals today on a couple of items.
I am so ready for Fall. Now the forecasters are talking with concern that we may not get a true Fall here this year; rather we may go straight from what appears to be a long lingering hot summer straight into Winter. That would be unfortunate, as Fall can really be so beautiful in Colorado. I hope to make it up to the High Country in the next couple weeks to enjoy some peace and quiet, and the beauty of our turning Aspen trees before it is too late. If Winter should come roaring in all of a sudden, the leaves will come down immediately!
Miss Sadie on Friday morning before going into the Vet Clinic
Today was about patient recuperation for Sadie Ann. We had a rough time when we came home yesterday afternoon from our spay surgery earlier in the morning. I wish there was a better way to communicate with our special fur babies. I wish I could have somehow told her what was coming and helped her prepare for it; I can only imagine the shock to wake up from a deep sleep and find yourself in great pain. I'm upset for her!
Miss Sadie resting this morning on the couch after her surgery
Today has been a better day though. My little Sadie Ann has been slowly returning to her old self; which is both good and bad. Good because I didn't like the lethargic, crying little girl I had yesterday. Bad, because now she wants to play, and I can't let her just yet. She has to rest and be still. Which is very difficult for a 5 1/2 month old pup. She's being a good girl though! We have a spot for her on the couch so she can lay here with me while I'm working and playing on the computer.
So, as you know, I recently put up a batch of pickles. I also put up a batch of jelly in the past week or so -- Peach/Orange/Pineapple jelly to be exact. This is once again an old recipe handed down over the generations. I haven't made this particular recipe in a while; with all the good peaches this Summer from the Western Slope, I decided it was time. I thought before I left you today, I'd share our family recipe. I think the age old art of preserving for the cold months is one that should be kept alive. I am also a firm believer that nothing mass produced in our groceries can match what we make at home! The recipe below, by the way, is a big batch. I halved this recipe for my jam making this past weekend.
Peach/Orange/Pineapple Jam
Peel/Pit/slice/chop approximately 18 peaches
Peel/Seed and cut into small pieces approx. 5 oranges
1 large can of crushed pineapple
1 1/2 cups sugar to each cup of fruit (all fruit combined in total)
1 box (2 packages in box) of liquid Certo Pectin
Bring mixture of fruit and sugar to a rolling boil (rolling means you cannot stir it down); cook five minutes, stirring often, until mixture sleets from spoon; add 2 packages of Certo Liquid Pectin. Skim off foam.
Meanwhile, clean/washed jars should be set in baking pans of water (just enough across bottom of pan to cover bottom), and set on burner on low heat. You want the jars to be quite warm for when the hot jelly hits them. Boil lids and rings in water in a pot on the stove. (this is for sanitation -- sanitation is key when putting up and sealing like this).
Pour jelly immediately upon completion into jars, leaving 1/2" head room in each jar. Close with lids and rings; use Boiling-Water Bath method to seal your jars. This is very important - or jam will spoil.
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Until Next Time . . .