Hello Fellow Stampers :-)
Well, here we are. First full week of December, and we're officially in a flurry around here preparing for the holidays. The decorating is well underway; the first pan of fudge was made this past weekend (yum!); and I'm worrying about gifts, and the Christmas letter, and that long list of "to do's"! Oh my! Well, hopefully, we'll get it all done. We also start the events this week, with company dinners, and outings that Mike and I have planned. Looking forward to the festivities!!
We had a wonderful and relaxed final class of the season here this past Saturday. It was my annual ornament-making class. This year, I kept it casual and relaxed. Our focal point was the Be Merry Kit from the Holiday Occasions Catalog; and then I opened it up to all sorts of other projects that the girls could work on - tags, other ornaments, stockings, etc. I had pulled out all the fun foils, and glimmers, and other sparkly things in the Studio, and everyone had free rein to work on what they wanted to. It really was a fun afternoon. The surprise for me was how much everyone loved the Be Merry ornament kit. And frankly, when I first opened it and start playing with it, I was very impressed as well. What an adorable and easy kit!! Today, we're going to take a little bit closer look . . .
I cannot "crow" enough about this adorable kit. All-inclusive, the only thing you needed to have on hand were a couple of adhesives, and a hot glue gun. There are two different types of pre-scored rosettes in the kit - six each of gold foil dotted, and gold foil edges. They are so pretty!! All ready pre-strung with the hanger, and an adhesive strip that allows you to open them up and adhere them in place easy peasy!! Beautiful Gold Foil doilies for the center, pre-cut green and red glimmer circles, pre-cut candy canes and trees; wood banners, laser cut letters, - oh and the tulle and ribbon!! Oh my again!! The tulle circles are full of glittery sequins and are just gorgeous. This whole ornament literally just sparkles!!
What I found fun, was mixing things up, not just making the ornaments exactly like the directions -- i.e., changing out the color combinations, and playing with swapping out the pieces. How about a red glittery tree? LOL So fun!!
We had especially good fun with the Candy Canes I think. Swapping out colors, changing things up, reds and greens - until someone came up with this idea . . .
(oh, want to know how we got "curly cues" to our ribbon? Just run the ribbon between your thumb and bone folder a number of times until it curls! - so pretty!)
It was the alternating of the pretty tulle between red and green all the way around the ornament that I think we all fell in love with! It was so cool!
And perfect for a Candy Cane look I think!!
Don't you just love these ornaments? They even have a plain circle on the back that you can put a little message on or stamp another sentiment.
If you want quick, WOW impact ornaments, snap up that Be Merry Kit!! And do it quickly. They are going out and won't be available much longer!! You can make 12 ornaments. And then save those pretty little trees you pop out of the center of the circles - because they have gold edges and are perfect for another project all their own!!
Have a great Monday everyone!
Until Next Time . . .