Hello Fellow Stampers ~
I am looooooonnnnggg overdue for this blog post, and I apologize. But as my blog title states today, I have been living in utter chaos for the past month and a half!! Each week has felt worse than the last! And it's driving me insane! Eeeeeeeek. Do any of you ever feel that way?
In the past weeks, I have packed and moved the majority of my house, had a litany of updates/remodeling done to the townhome, cleaned and prepped it for sale, gone thru the listing process, and oh, yes, that's right - put it up for sale and sold it in 36 hours!!! You read that right! For full asking price! And the buyer wants a fast closing - sign by the 15th of July! So, I am still in a rushed panic as we continue to try to move the final items out of the townhome and make sure everything is in order.
And on this side of the street . . . more chaos!!! I am living out of boxes and chaos!! LOL That being said, a lot has happened here finally with the remodel of the "lower level" in the past several weeks, and we are finally getting to the other side . . . in fact, over this past week and most recent holiday weekend, we spent a fair amount of time in the "lower level" cleaning, and actually unpacking and "moving in" to the new cabinets and area. However, I have discovered I made a HUGE error on the drawers we had installed in the Studio area, and we have requested a "change order" with the designer to fix that problem. More on that later!
Let's get caught up!! The last time I gave you an update, we were faced with the bad news that the subfloor had been "lost" by the shipping company and everything was at a stand still. You can review where things were at HERE. The silver lining to that was the subcontractor was able to put all his energy into the upgrades I needed done at the townhome and get things done per the schedule I had laid out to get the townhome listed for sale. So that was a good thing!
Since that last update, a new subfloor was ordered and expedited to our door; installed along with my beautiful new Acacia wood flooring, the cabinetry throughout the entire area was installed, and the electricians are here finishing up all the electrical installs throughout the room. I have beautiful "daylight" lighting throughout, and I love it!! O M G !!! LOL Can you see the series of progress in the two photos I have already shared above? First photo shows the subfloor being laid and the cabinets unpacked from their boxes. The second photo shows the wood flooring as it was going in and the first cabinets being set!! It was so exciting to see things finally taking shape!!
Here's a peak at my beautiful new floors ;-)
More cabinets being set!!
The TV/Library room cabinets starting to go in!
Here's a look from the powder room area - and a sneak look at the big beautiful island where all my future classes will take place!
The sewing area!
The "inset" being built in with new drawers.
And a peek at the doorway for the new powder room!
Inside the soon to be new powder room
And back across that back wall - looking from the sewing area.
The middle door leads to Mike's woodmaking hobby area, the furnace, and to our back storage.
The door to the left is a new closet area for my storage
And then stairs back up to the main level of the house.
This is before the final painting of the room was done - so you don't see the beautiful new soft yellow of the Studio.
Here's a wonderful view from one end of the room to the other!
You may recall that way back in the beginning, where I'm standing now was walled off and was part of the back storage.
How wonderful it all is now to have it all open and seeing our plans come to fruition!
Then the counter tops started going in - beautiful quartz in the Studio area; gorgeous granite in the TV area!!
This was an exciting day for sure!!
You can see here the darker gray "rustico" cabinetry we selected for the TV/Library area;
and the lighter pale gray we put into the Studio.
It delineates the two areas, but coordinates beautifully!!
How gorgeous is that!!
However, it wasn't until a week ago Sunday (the weekend before 4th of July), that I realized we had made a HUGE error in the drawer planning.
You can see in this picture that the drawers are two "fat" or large drawers (middle and bottom) and one thin drawer across the top.
I realized that I had missed this in our planning and that this would never work for putting away all the doo-dads and assundries for our craft we love so much.
Soooooooooooo . . . . in about a month -- sigh -- new drawers will be coming in to replace the middle and lower drawers - 2 thinner drawer in the mid-section; and a slightly "smaller" "large" drawer on the bottom. This is going to work so much better for my needs!!
Sooooooooooo . . . you all will just have to wait for the final reveal! That's the way it is! LOL
A close up look of my beautiful new quartz countertops - white with beautiful varied gray and sparkly flecking.
Sooooo pretty!!!
And so I'm going to leave you with just a "sneak peak" of the items I'm keeping out of the old Studio coming into the new -- and just starting to do a little unpacking and settling in. And you're gonna have to just lie with that and use your creative imaginations a little bit as to how it's coming together!! LOL We'll do a complete tour in about a month or so when the last updates and finishes are in. We're still waiting for the toilet and pedestal sink for the powder room; and that has me a little antsy. It seems like we've just gotten held up on so many of the details for this new area. Patience is a virtue they say! LOL
Now that I'm starting to settle in and find some things in boxes, and so forth, I'm hoping to get back to organization and creating this week!! Stay tuned . . . we're on the road to less chaos!! LOL
Hugs, . . .